What Makes dominion Bath & Tile
the right choice?
Communication/Point of Contact - While other companies only offer an office phone number and are slow to respond to emails, we offer prompt communication via office phone, cell phone, text, and email; and, pledge to stay in perpetual communication with you. From the initial estimate stage until the time the project is completed, a valued customer has a one point of contact representative from Dominion Bath & Tile who will make certain all questions are answered and each step in the renovation is thoroughly explained.
Quality - We only use quality products and materials. Our workmanship is remarkable, and all remodels are properly supervised. Also, plastic wrap, drop cloths, and shoe covers are utilized to guard against damage, dust, and germs. Proper clean up is very important to us as well. Our goal is to gain your trust and exceed your expectations.
Value - Our streamlined business processes provide value that other companies can not achieve. We do not have multiple departments within our business that drive up costs. Our focused approach means lower prices and attention to detail that really make a difference. No more trying to figure out who your contact person is depending on where you are in the process. Let us comfortably guide you through the build and make it an exciting event.
Don’t Fall for Gimmicks - There are competitors that advertise they can fit a new bath over your old bath in as little as a day or two. To us this is not a smart option. It would be comparable to installing new carpet over top of old carpet. This could also affect your home’s resale value. For about the same amount of money, let In Home make your bathroom a happy space!
Friendliness- We love our customers and are happy to see them every day. We know that without them we would not be able to employ wonderful people who take pride in their work.